• Dates: Monday through Friday July 15-19, 2019

  • Arrive on Sunday, July 14 by 8 pm (if possible), and stay until Friday 3 pm

  • 20 spots available

  • Earned up to 35 OPI Renewal Units

  • Cost: $700 for Program, Lodging, & Meals, but every educator can qualify for a $600 scholarship - the cost to you is $100  

  • Rustic lodging and meals provided

  • Other activities included whitewater rafting, hiking, and basic archery instruction and certification in Scholastic 3D Archery (S3DA)

  • Topics of Study:

    • Wildlife and habitat management and conservation of bats, trout, wolverines, and bighorn sheep.

    • The efforts by wildlife biologists, hunters, and wildlife enthusiasts to rebuild wildlife populations during the past 100 years, and how these efforts illustrate the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

    • The results of these efforts as shown by the current distribution and population dynamics of wildlife in Montana.

    • Maintaining genetic diversity in wildlife populations.

    • Bighorn sheep as a model for problem-solving and critical thinking, as we struggle to provide Montana’s wild sheep herds with adequate habitat, management of disease, migration routes, and isolation from domestic sheep herds while respecting private property rights of landowners.

    • Classroom and field activities related to Montana’s incredible biodiversity of wildlife – examples of how middle and high school students can design sampling strategies, collect, and analyze data, and communicate their findings.

    • To meet the new Montana Science Standards, we will work together with local biologists to create classroom activities that incorporate current data and management strategies for wildlife in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.