Hunting And Conservation
Established in 2005 by Dottie Fossel and Jon Fossel, Jack Creek Preserve Foundation provides unique opportunities for people to engage in conservation through programs, camps, and events that cover a variety of topics including hunting, wildlife management, and land stewardship. Dottie and Jon have hunted all over the world from Africa to America to New Zealand and are passionate hunter conservationists, therefore, an important part of the Jack Creek Preserve Foundation mission is to educate others about the critical role that hunting, and hunters play in conservation of wildlife and its habitat, regardless of personal interest in hunting.
What does hunting look like in our programming?
The role of hunting in conservation is demonstrated in a variety of ways in our youth educational programming. From in-depth discussions with high-school students to games and activities with 4th graders, our programming models how hunting is a vital tool used in wildlife management. Summer Outdoor Skills Camps that have been held since 2005 encourage youth to deepen their understanding of hunting and conservation. Our comprehensive curriculum includes archery skills, field dressing techniques, and discussions on important conservation legislation, such as the Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937. Through our programs, it is our goal to provide participants the opportunity to understand the role hunting plays in wildlife and habitat conservation.
Photo by tim irwin
Jack Creek Preserve Foundation is actively involved in many local community outreach programs that provide us the opportunity to reach a wider audience with our mission and values as they relate to our support for hunting.
Hunting On jack creek preserve
2023 Veteran Elk Hunt on Jack Creek Preserve. Special thanks to warriors and quiet waters for helping make this a success!
With input from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, we offer a limited number of hunts on the Preserve. Hunting is an important tool for managing the wildlife populations that reside in and migrate through the Preserve. Funds raised from these hunts directly supports our conservation efforts and programs.
Hunting helps maintain healthy and sustainable wildlife populations in the preserve area.
To promote these beliefs, hunting opportunities are frequently made available through our partners, such as Pope & Young Club, Wild Sheep Foundation, and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for fundraising efforts. Additionally, hunters have the opportunity to archery hunt on the Preserve through our annual Archery Elk Hunt Raffle. The money raised from these hunts directly supports our conservation education programs. From more information on this year’s Archery Elk Hunt Raffle see the information below or check out our Events page.
Hunting on the Preserve is a unique opportunity to be surrounded by wildlife, stay in a comfortable log cabin, and enjoy spectacular scenery. If you have an interest in a hunt on Jack Creek Preserve, please contact us ( A portion of the funds from these hunts go towards our conservation education programs.
“Jack Creek Preserve is teaming with wildlife in a natural, undisturbed setting. Elk, deer, moose, bear, coyotes, and birds including sandhill cranes can be seen with a fantastic and unbelievably beautiful mountain background.”